Thursday, 5 January 2012

Side effect after working REALLY hard, and NOT GIVE UP!


Oke, sy nangis malam ni. Lepas sy tengok gambar di bawah. 

Amalina Peter. Usia baru 23 tahun, 
tp last month income sbg Personal Lifestyle Coach Herbalife, 
RM45,000!!! MasyaAllah! 
 bermula 5 tahun lalu dgn hanya income RM500 sebulan. Belajar langkah demi 
langkah, never give up, dan alhamdulillah.. today she is an inspiration to all!

(dia kawan waktu sekolah menengah dulu)

Ha, sekarang ada rasa nak nangis? korang faham kan, nape sy nangis sbb tgk gambar ni.

She just 23 years old! but, yet she earn RM45 000..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, sy nak clearkan di sini, It's not about how many money that you earn, but, it's about WHAT KIND of PEOPLE you would become after earn that much money.

The thing that I really like and respect about Herbalife Distributor is that, they are really REALLY HUMBLE. Although they edy at the HIGH position and earn thousands, or event million incomes, they still smile to us, and never act SNOBBISH, like certain people. boleh comparekan, ada orang yg dpt income hny rm10k-rm20k, but they act like they ARE THE KING of this universe. Percakapannya, mengalahkan jutawan. -.-" 

kenapa kena CLearkan kt suma orang? *sebab manusia di luar sana tu, kalu sy tulis ttg income je, ramai yg fikir -ve. 

Ramai yg cakap, 
"Hiduplah secara bersederhana. itu lebih baik."  macam biasa pemikiran orang kita. 

Kalu semua orang nak hidup bersederhana, siapa yg nak derma dan bayar zakat dgn jumlah lebih banyak? Sampai bila nak mengharapkan subsidi dari kerajaan? 
Ingat, tangan yang memberi lebih baik dari menerima. 

Kita membebel, mengeluh bila ekonomi negara semakin dikuasai orang Bukan dari Bangsa KITA. kita mengeluh, kita membebel. So, what? They deserve it! because they work hard. But, you? Still wondering what to do, still asking for help, still arguing and still not satisfied with everything. -.-"

Salah ke kalau BERIMPIAN tinggi? 

Those yg prefer hidup bersederhana tu, silakan. sy hormati pilihan hidup korang. But, please respect others decision and others choice.

Ok, ok, conclusionya, Amalina deserve utk achieve apa yg dia dapat hari ni. Sebab dia WORK REALLY HARD. She's NOT GIVE UP. bukan macam certain people, yang baru berusaha skit, dah mengeluh macam dah buat banyak benda. bila selidik balik, tak buat banyak pun sbnrnya. Beremosi aje yg banyak. Kan? Kan?

Walaupun income sy tak sebanyak dia sekarang, (bulan 11 ari tu baru je RM7.5k -.-") tapi sy percaya tahun ni sy akan dapat income RM30k, InsyaAllah. I'll work hard to make it happen. *nak bayar zakat banyak2!*

Last but not least,

oke, bai!

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:

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