full time VS full heart
Those yang nak buat full time or even part time Herbalife -
Are you MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY prepared enough to face all those challenges?
Do you have the right Attitude to start doing Herbalife full time?
Business Herbalife bukan skim cepat kaya. you invest hari ni then, esok dapat jadi Mill Team, Presiden Team or whatsoever. No.
Herbalife business need our COMMITMENT and SERIOUSNESS.
Pak Yang kata,
"Do you know your strength?"
"Do you know your weaknesses?"
Kalu tak tahu, ha, start fikir sekarang. you need to know what is ur strength and ur weaknesses. and all those weaknesses, you need to overcome it. How? Expose yourself more to those weaknesses.
1) Kalu kita seorang yg takda confident diri atau malu2 nak cakap dengan orang. Overcome it. How?
- Beri testimoni di setiap HOM even product result kita baru turun 1kg or just improve energy level. kalu ayat berterabur, practice dpn cermin. Ramai yg bermula bg testimoni dengan gagap-gagap.
- share income even income kita just rm200+ , rm1000+ or watsoever. JUST SHARE. When you never fail on giving ur own testimony in front others, you'll see how ur income will increase. Believe me. I've done it. :)
- buat presentation wellness evaluation sebanyak dan semaksima yg mungkin.
2) Kalu kita slow dalam business sebab takda STRONG WHY. Overcome it. HOW?
- find your WHY. this is really urgent and important. ATTEND more EVENT and TRAINING. find your answer here.
Which event should I attend? The answer is ALL EVENT. kalu nak cari jawapan Why you're in Herbalife, tak boleh pilih-pilih event yang nak pergi. HOM, STS, SPECTACULAR, all..!
Kalu still nak pilih2 and full with excuses, then, you know why you're still slow dan ketinggalan. :)
3) Kalu kita dah lama dalam Herbalife, have BIG DREAM but still slow. Overcome it. How?
- it's true that you have big dream, but your desire to achieve those DREAM is not strong enough. Maybe kita terlepas pandang terhadap perkara2 yg kecil. eg, bangun lambat, pergi booth tapi banyak bercakap sesama distributor yg lain dari nak edar flyers, pergi booth tapi baca surat khabar, and most important, kita not TEACHABLE.
Being teachable bukan lah bermakna kita just dengar apa yg sponsor dan speaker yg lain cakap. Dengar dan angguk2. No. Being teachable adalah you dengar dan APPLY it.
TEACHABLE - Dengar then APPLY it.
bukan dengar, angguk2 then, simpan je dalam otak. oke? faham ke? So, now you know whether selama ni we're teachable or not. kan?
dont be sad because you have weaknesses. what you need to do is overcome it. The more you do it, the more you can built your strength. And your weaknesses is the one that will become your strength!
apa-apa pun, THE KEY untuk success adalah ATTITUDE, tak kisah lah nak full time @ part time.
Work on yourself more than anything else. Mak Yang kata Skill dan knowledge kita boleh khatam dalam masa beberapa hari. but to master on controlling your own ATTITUDE that is the hardest thing to do.
So, let's improve our atttitude in event this sunday, 29 Jan at Pullman Hotel, Putrajaya.
ahad ni sy jadi Speaker on recrut. oh, nervous, nervous. *lap peluh* Doakan semua yg hadir dapat manfaat yg berguna. AMIN..
dan yang lebih WOW event, it is here, SPECTACULAR!
Last but not least, again, sy nak tinggalkan one question.
Are you MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY prepared enough to face all those challenges?
fikir2 kan ek.
Ok, see you then!
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