Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Hectic. Hurtful. Grateful.


Submit Thesis. Examss. Submit Project Design. Assignmentsss. 
Hectic betul bulan ni, lebih tepat lagi minggu ni! 

minggu ni asyik tidur atas kerusi. *sambil mulut ternganga. heheh.*

Herbalife Distributor yg lain suma excited nak ke CRUISE. *yang qualify la. yang tak qualify tu, TRY more harder! dont be sad. Focus on VIP Spec, TOKYO etc. Dont Give Up! We dont have time to be too emotional*

Aku sekarang dah tak se-excited mana pun *boleh pulak rasa mcam ni*. Aku lebih excited nak ke Zero to Hero (ZTH). I want myself and my team to be motivated back and BOOST UP 500%!!
 so, sapa yang tak beli lagi tiket ZTH, sila pandai2 contact TAB team anda utk beli sekarang, (only if you're SERIOUS. if not, it's alright. ;) we only need SERIOUS people). 

*ZTH, 7-8 Jan 2012*

I need EVENT. to make myself always POSITIVE. to make myself always MOTIVATED. to strengthen my WHY. and to make me, BELIEVE THAT I CAN ACHIEVE MY GOALs no matter how hard it is!

A few days ago, awin, my downline a.k.a my neighbour told me, yang abah sakit. Abah jatuh motor waktu nak pergi ke kebun. Awin gtau, abah menangis. Abah patah tulang rusuk. tak boleh buang air besar dan buang angin. Can you imagine? you cannot buang air besar dan kentut *maaf guna bahasa kasar* selama berhari2. Buang air besar tu, boleh diterima akal lah. Tapi kalu kent** tak boleh, memang akan sakit yang teramat sangat. Tak caya? cuba tahan kent** selama 5 hari. Conform awk sakit perut. 

Aku risau. dapat aje berita tu, aku terduduk.. terus Call mak. Call abah. Aku call kat tangga kolej. Terus nangis kat situ. Tak kisah dah orang lalu-lalang kat situ. yang aku fikir, "Abah,"... 

Aku tak rapat dgn abah. We have crisis since I was small. but, no matter what, he's my father. I cannot lost him..  I love my father although I never said and never show it to him. *ni rahsia k, kalu kenal ayah hairi, jangan gtau dia. Hairi nak gtau dgn mulut sendiri. InsyaAllah, akan tiba masanya*

And about Grateful?

Abah dah semakin sihat. Alhamdulillah! 
Submit Project Design extend to next week. Alhamdulillah!
Time for Cruise and exams + presentation, didnt clash with each other. Alhamdulillah!

Alhamdulillah! Sayang Allah. 

Last but not least, doakan keempat-empat 1st line hairi complete menjadi SV this month. Doakan Kak Miza complete 2nd cut utk VIP spec this month. Doakan Rafiq dan Fatin complete buat 2nd cut WT this month. Kak Ina complete 1st cut WT this month. 

Doakan kami boleh tolong lebih ramai orang lagi utk jadi sihat dan ubah taraf hidup jadi lebih baik.

Allah, ease our journey! Please, be with us! Love Allah. 

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