[31 Dis 2011 : 1.15pm ]
2011 is going to leave us soooon! SubhanAllah.
Setiap detik dan memori tahun 2011 - akan dikenang sampai bila-bila. *sedih*
year 2011 is where my SERIOUS life begin, and 2011 is gonna end in few hours more.
2012 is coming!
2012 is coming!
and 2012 is going to be MORE EXCELLENCE than 2011! Amin..
1) I've met Herbalife which means, I met my future. InsyaAllah!
Start serious buat HL, bulan Ogos 2011 (lepas balik dari Shanghai). Start with nothing (0 customer, 0 vp). Aku HIGHLIGHT kan di sini. NOTHING..
Hanya berbekalkan pertolongan Allah, my Strong WHY and Helpful Uplines, utk melalui semua Tekanan, Penentangan, Ujian, Dugaan, dan Kesakitan. Alhamdulillah, I achieved my target for this year. I want to end year 2011 handsomely, with SUCCESS, not REGRET.
Alhamdulillah, after SERIOUS doing HL on Ogos 2011,
1) I become World Team on October 2011.
2) Qualify Free vacation Royal Caribbean Cruise.
3) become Active World Team on Dec 2011.
Dalam preview FPTR bersama all Mill Team and above hari tu, ada satu slide tentang achievement. *tak dapat nak letak gambar slide, sebab USB camera tak boleh guna. =.=" sory guys.*
Tapi conclusionnya, jangan Berpuas Hati dengan apa yang dah di capai.
Forget What You had ACHIEVED!
Keep Growing Your Organisation!
*insyaAllah tahun 2012, aku dan team ke bawah akan Qualify FPTR sebagai Mill Team utk berkongsi di depan semua. Amin.*
2) For the first time thinking about MARRIAGE.
*back then, dont believe Relationship between man and woman. Because i thought, "Man is something that you can never trust in your life". Miraculously, my thought for years changed. Why? I dont know. I also dont have the answer.. *smile*
3) Met my Shanghai friends. this is my PRECIOUS memory.*This is the BIG reason why I started to think about Marriage*.
ok, pasni ada HOM dan HAB. gotta go now. Bye!