Friday, 15 April 2011

Perjalanan mengenali Allah..

My childhood is bit different from others.. I don't like to play with my peers. I'm not that close with my siblings, since they're all boys. Also, our interest is different. They seriously like to watch cartoons and drawing. but, I don't like to watch cartoons at all. I'll fall asleep when I watch cartoons. Imagine, 6-7 years old kid keep yawning and fall asleep after 10 minutes watching cartoons. 

So, I end up playing around by myself rather than playing with them. Budak lelaki kalau main, kasar.. =.=' Ohho, I love to watch TV and listens to the songs. sad songs. TV is my best best friend. Radio @ mp3 is like my boyfriend.. ^^ Whoever know me, will know that. I'm crazy over songs..! 6 earphones broke in just 1 semester. +_+

Others, express their feelings with crying loudly, tell story to their parents, sharing their thought with their friends and siblings. but, for me, I don't know how to express my feelings. So, I started to express my feelings through writing. Once, I write to my mom a letter. Letter of rebellion when I was in primary school. Cool ha..

Don't know where I should start first. but, what I can say is that, I loved going to school more than staying at home. Not because I have lots of friends there, but because of the teachers. Teachers are very tender, kind, take good care of me, have faith in me, listen to each of my word and respect my opinion.. 

 When I was young, I learn that this world is full with hatred, oppression. I used to hate this world. Why such a young kid would have a thought like this? 
Everything has a reason. and that reasons cannot be describe in words. 

*A crisis in family*

Understand a bit what I wanna say? You don't? 
Oh, I cannot elaborate everything. (@_@) 
Only those people who go through this kind of situation will understand. 

But, whatever had happen, I still feel grateful. Thank You Allah. 

Aku mengenali Allah dengan lebih dalam sewaktu bersekolah di SEMASHUR. Dan perjalananku sebagai seorang Islam yang lebih sempurna bermula di sini. 


Perform my 1st Tarawikh prayer.
Understand that I need to perform prayer 5 days in a day, istiqamah..
Learn how to recite tasbih kifarah.
Pertama kali solat berjemaah..
and what is more important,
Realize how much love and care that Allah give to us.. T.T

Yes, seriously.. My thought about world, change bit by bit.. This world is not that ugly, like what I was imagined.

At first, I thought that Allah hates me, that's why He gave me go through this kind of situation.. but, later on, I realize that, Allah loves me.. that's why He plan things to happen like this. 

If He don't put me in this kind of situation, I'll be just like other people.

Couple before marriage.
Watching movies at the cinema.
Hanging out at night with no purpose.
Wearing tight and exposed clothes.
Don’t know how to be grateful, although it just small good things happen.
Don’t know how to appreciate those who are kind to you.

Don't be sad when God test you and give you such hard time. Actually its for your benefit. He loves you... more than other people in this world.. 

Have faith in HIM.. 
and just LOVE HIM... 

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

my Oxygen..

We need O2 to live in this world.. 
and in order for me to live, I need Allah and my family.. 

As a human being, I'm very happy when the people that I love and care, support me.. 

I'm not perfect, I've so many flaws, I'm not that kind, I'm not that friendly, I'm not diligent, etc.. 

but, no matter what, they're still love and care about me.. This is what we called by family...

along tak ikut sekali.. 

It really took a lot of patience, to invite my family to come together with me for HERBALIFE event.. 
ALHAMDULILLAH... Allah itu Maha Memahami dan Maha Penyayang... At last, my parents agreed to come...

Once, I received message from mom, saying that, they'll come... 
I feels like, I wanna fly...!

I'm not coming to STS, just by myself, I invite so many people that I care.. This is my friends, who came..

yang lain, tak sempat nak tangkap gambar.. 

And, these the people that I admired.. and they inspired me to keep move on... 

Ini Nik, umur 19 tahun, pelajar Matrik Melaka.. Sangat serius, fokus dan bersemangat dalam HERBALIFE..  Walaupun umurnya muda, tapi tak pernah menjadikan ia sebagai alasan utk tidak berjaya..

Ini seorang lagi hamba Allah, yang bg ku sungguh persistent utk capai kejayaan.. Bermula dalam HERBALIFE dalam keadaan yang sangat2 daif. Dia muflis dan bankrap sewaktu memulakan HERBALIFE. Rumah tiada. Untuk mendaftar jadi ahli pun, mencari2 duit celah2 baju dan almari.. Demi utk pergi ke EXTRAVAGANZA di Korea waktu tu, dia sanggup jual laptop dia.. SubhanAllah.. 
Tapi, itu cerita dahulu.. Sekarang, berkat kesabarannya, HERBALIFE bayar dia                                           rm10 000++ setiap bulan.. Alhamdulillah..

Itu semua kisah tentang orang lain, kisah diriku? 

Hari ini, cukup 90 hari aku sebagai HERBALIFE independent distributor. 
My income last month is rm3700++.. 

Monday, 4 April 2011

my 90 days in HERBALIFE..

Although, I'm really tired today, but still, I feel so grateful.. Thank you Allah for everything... Although in my life, there's no perfection and not everything is revolved like what I want it to be, but still, Allah, I feel grateful.. Thank You my Lord..

"I bear witness that there is no deity worthy to be worshiped but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger"

"Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang layak di sembah melainkan Allah, dan aku naik saksi bahawa Nabi Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah."

Alhamdulillah, hari ni cukup 90 hari, aku meneruskan pengembaraan dlm HERBALIFE. satu dunia yang begitu baru dan asing bagiku. Namun, matlamatku dalam HERBALIFE  ini menjadi semakin jelas dan kukuh.  And what's more important is that, I become more matured and learned how to look at things positively.. 


Last Saturday is the launching day for Gen-H training and HOM. I'm very inspired with the perseverance that Grace and Alex have. They're President Team from Korea, meaning, they're earning 100 000usd per month, and what's make me amazed is their age. They're only 27 and 28 years old..

They're very focus, determined and charming person. I learned so many things there, but what I remember the most is the difference between the DREAMS and GOALS.

     vs   GOAL

Dream is something that we want to have one day but doesn't have deadline. Goal is your aim that you want to achieve and have the deadline. and because of the goals that they want to achieve, make them really focus and persistent on what they wanna get later on.

I also have my goals..! 

I want to qualify VIP for the EXTRAVAGANZA 2011 so that, I need to do 12500vp this month..
I want to qualify to Korea this September 2011, so that, I need to work hard to do 4 months consistently at least 2500vp.
I to change my pin to GET team, by end of this year.
I want to become President Team before I'm 25 years old.
I want to retired before 30 years old.
and so on...

Allah, please keeps me going..!

Friday, 1 April 2011


Rasa agak sedih hari ni...

Tak tau nak hurai macam mana.. 

Banyak yg bermain dalam fikiran sekarang ni, dari perkara yg penting, sehinggalah ke perkara yg tak berapa penting, semua masih berlegar-legar dalam fikiran..

Ya Allah, aku harap Engkau permudahkanlah urusanku.. Urusan dunia, dan akhirat ku... 
Kuatkanlah kaki, hati, semangat dan imanku... 

Permudahkanlah untuk aku memahami segala apa yg aku pelajari..

Lancar dan fasihkanlah lidah ku, agar orang yang mendengarnya mendapat kefahaman.

Lembutkan hati orang-orang yang ku sayang agar mereka mahu bersama-samaku meneruskan perjalanan dalam Herbalife ini..