Tuesday, 25 October 2011

You can SUCCESS, although you're ALONE!


"You can SUCCESS, although you're ALONE!"

jap, jap.. ada sikit kesilapan disitu.. 
"you can success, although nobody is supporting you. but, you'll never success when Allah is not included in your life"

guys, the thing is, we never alone.. because He always and always with us.. 

yes, He is!

It's ok, kalau korang bermula dgn sorang2 sekarang. tapi serius tak ok, kalu korang masih lg seorang in the future.

It's ok, kalu family, kwn2, sedara, makcik jual kek, lecturer, kawan 1 course, spouse, gf, bf, etc menentang korang buat Hl sekarang. Diaorang tak kasi, sbb diaorg tak faham @ diaorang memang tak nak faham. IT’S OK guys!

So, kerja korang sekarang adalah tunjukkan keseriusan korang buat Herbalife. Aku boleh gerenti, kalu korang menunjukkan hasil dalam Herbalife ni, diaorg mesti buka mata.

Aku tak tahulah org lain. Family aku mmg tak support lansung awal2 dulu. Sekarang pun, sokongan tu mcm sabut, kejap tenggelam kejap timbul. Kejap sokong, kejap tidak. Sampai aku pun tak faham yg diaorang ni sebenarnya ok atau tak. huhu, takpalah.. Allah ada.. 

I become a Supervisor within 1 months tanpa bantuan 1 sen pun dari family. ALHAMDULILLAH, semua berjalan lancar..

Memang Susah, memang payah, sakit, penat dan sbgnya.. But, i tried my best to achieve it. the process  and the journey to become the Supervisor is really important in every Herbalife Independent Distributor’s life. Setiap proses dan perjalanan utk menuju ke arah SV itu, menunjukkan titik tolak kekuatan kita untuk pergi jauh dalam Herbalife.

So, siapa yg tak berapa serius, tak kisah lah dalam study ke, dalam perhubungan ke, atau kepada yg belum jadi Supervisor Herbalife ke. Remember this!
You'll never achieve success, if u never started to do it seriously.

Minggu ni minggu terakhir utk qualify ke Royal Carribean Cruise. Ya Allah, lancarkanlah.. permudahkanlah segalanya.. Beri kami kekuatan untuk bekerja dgn ikhlas..  Amin.. 

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Hati ingin kembali ke Shanghai..


Story ttg Shanghai ni dah agak basi. Tp ku still nak cerita jugak. Hehe..

Hampir sebulan balik dari sana, boleh dikatakan setiap malam mata menatap semua gambar2 wkt di Shanghai..

Aku rindu..

Coming to Shanghai, is the best memory in my life..
i love Shanghai, not because Shanghai is beautiful. Not because of Shanghai hv lots of shopping place. But, it's because of the people that i've met here..

My colleagues.. Love them..

My housemates.. Miss them..

My Singaporean friends and also beloved housemate..

My Malaysians friends.. thanks a lot for everything!

I learned so many things here..

About life,
About how to be more independent,
About my future.. ( is it Herbalife or engineer? And right now, i've found my answer.)

*of course, Herbalife!* hehe, excited.

 I understand many things..

Understand why many muslim change after live so long at the oversea,
understand how it feel, when it's very hard to find place to pray.
About my faith in Islam ~ i know, what is the real person inside me.
*you would never know how strong your faith to Allah, until urself get tested*
And finally, understand how it feel when you love somebody for the first time.. (oh, this supposely, to be a secret. But, nevermind..)

I've promise them, that i'll come back.. Next year.. To visit them..

I'll work hard with Herbalife, and fulfill all my dreams and fulfill all the dreams' of the people who I care and I love..  

oke, done!   

Hati seorang anak.


"anak derhaka" , "anak yang tak mengenang budi", "kacang lupakan kulit".  dan byk lg perkataan yg aku dengar.. sejak aku kecil sampailah aku besar skrg. Dari surat khabar dan majalah sampailah ke televisyen, semua menceritakan tentang betapa perlu dan pentingnya seorang anak menghormati ibu bapa..  aku sokong dan aku akui perkara ni. Aku pantang kalau lihat ada anak2 yang biadap dgn parents diaorang.

Tapi aku rasa masyarakat lupa. pembentukan anak2 adalah bermula dari rumah, lebih tepat lg, bermula dari ibu bapa. kekadang aku rasa geram dgn kebanyakan ibubapa yg kurang rasa tanggungjawab terhadap anak.

Tahun lepas, aku terjumpa 1 majalah yg mana sekarang ni menjadi salah satu bahan bacaan favouriteku, iaitu majalah solusi. Bertajuk, "ibubapa derhaka". 

Tersentap aku baca tajuk tu. Tajuk majalah yg berani mati. Tak semua ibubapa mampu mengaku mereka buat silap.

Semua ibu bapa inginkan anak2 yg baik dan soleh, tp apa yg aku perhatikan sekarang, pendidikan agama adalah perkara terakhir yg diberikan kpd anak. Tapi pendidikan pelajaran dan hiburan adlh perkara pertama yg diajarkan kpd anak.

Kalu si anak tak dapat straight A's dlm exam @dapat result yg teruk, parents bukan main sedih lagi. Tp bila anak tak reti mengaji, tak jaga solat, parents rasa "takpa, belum masanya lg..".  aku tahu bukan semua parents macam ni. Kebanyakkan kwn2 ku, mempunyai ayah dan ibu yg baik dan memahami.. Pernah wkt sek men dulu, aku menangis bila ada sorang kwn ni cerita ttg family, dan ayah dia. My family and her family is totally different! Macam langit dan bumi..
 *emo kejap. Lap air mata*

Sekadar tulis kt entry ni, tak cukup menggambarkan rasa kecewa aku kpd golongan manusia yg sepatutnya mnjadi pemimpin anak2.
My life story might be different from others.. My heart was already bleeding and hurt since i was small.. When there was a "wound", i put the "medicine" by myself. Nobody hear me, and nobody cares about me.. Except Allah..  *sob.. sob..*

I'm 22 years old. Now, i started to stop thinking about their problems. Let them decide what they want. I wanna do what others normally do.

1) start thinking about my own future. And make it happen! do what my dreams say so. Not do something because others wish me to do it.
2) never worries bout their parents, but parents worried about them.. *but i dont wanna they worried bout me, it's enough if i stop worried bout them.*

to all readers, please dont make any assumptions k. i dont need your opinion. dont judge something that u dont even know the truth. there was someone told me, "just keep what u feel inside ur heart, never tell others. they wont understand.."  

But, I just wanna share my story with all of u, hope you can learn something from my story. :)

Alhamdulillah, things started to get better and better. Although, sometimes this heart still be hurt, i'll bare with it.

Whatever it is, God never gives you something that you cant handle. He tests and give you the pain because He know you can bare with it!

So, love your parents, love your family! and be grateful!  ^.^